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Day 54: Decreased urine output and it's consequences

Friday 25/11/22 Adarsha Hospital,Kundapura

The day was boring as I had evening duty today. I was sitting in the OPD when a call came from 2nd floor ward. It was about decreased urine output about a patient named Sri Devi.
 I had seen this patient few days back. Sri Devi was a middle aged woman, k/c/o T2DM,HTN,CKD,IHD came with c/o breathlessness, lower limb swelling and abdomen distension since 5-6 months. She was admitted to ward for further management.
Her breathlessness and lower limb swelling had decreased but abdomen distension was still significant.
We went to see her at approx 4:00pm to asses her condition. She had passed urine today morning at 6:00 am and since then she had not passed urine. On examination she had some tenderness at lower abdomen, but she didn't had the urge to pass urine. We advised for hot water compression over the bladder region and wait for few hours. Because she was a k/c/o CKD and she had limit of 1 and half litres of water per day.
At 5:30 pm We got a call that she had passed few drops of urine but still complaining. She wanted us to inform Dr.Nagesh who is a Physician because he was her primary doctor. I called Dr.Nagesh and informed him about the situation. He advised to give 200ml of IVF NS bolus(Fast) followed by Inj LASIX 20mg IV STAT. 
When I went for rounds with Dr.Adarsh in the evening she still had not passed urine. He advised to catheterize her and wait.

Have to wait for tomorrow to see further developments.

More details about CKD ( Chronic Kidney Disease)
Chronic kidney disease, also called chronic kidney failure, involves a gradual loss of kidney function. Your kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from your blood, which are then removed in your urine. Advanced chronic kidney disease can cause dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes and wastes to build up in your body.

Click here for more details


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