Wednesday 30/11/2022 Adarsha Hospital,Kundapura
Had a pretty good day today. Finished rounds and OPD with Dr.Adarsh. During the evening around 3:30pm a patient was brought to casualty in a unconscious state. I rushed to casuality to see him.
The patient was Mr.Shankar, a middle aged man k/c/o T2DM,HTN,IHD with a recent h/o hospitalisation for CVA left hemiparesis. He was in a unconscious state with a GCS of E1V1M1 with profuse sweating. He had tremors on his left hand. He had multiple episodes of vomiting and had Nausea since 1 day. His Vitals were stable and GRBS was 127mg/dl. He had a Temp of 100.1 degree F.
On Examination his pupils were reactive. CNS was unconscious and not oriented. Chest was clear. ECG was done and was normal. Electrolytes were norrmal.
As my time was up I came to my house. Will review the patient tomorrow and update on his condition.
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